Shade View Apartments
Located In Middleburg, PA

Shade View Apartments in Middleburg, PA

Shade View Apartments is a complex owned and managed by Snyder County Housing Authority and consists of 40 apartments. Each apartment has a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms ranging from one to four. Water, sewer, and trash are included, as well as the range and refrigerator. Residents are responsible for electricity for heat, lights, and hot water.

Since this property is owned and managed by a Public Housing Authority, all of the rents at this property are based on family incomes. Monthly rent is equal to 30% of adjusted income, less the allowance for electricity. There is also a flat rent for each apartment, based on the market rental value of the unit. Flat rents do not have a utility allowance, as it is already factored into the flat rent. Families are given the choice of flat or income-based rent once a year.

How to Apply & Eligibility

To apply, an application must be completed. Applications are available 24/7 outside of the Housing Authority office in the forms box. Upon completion of your application, you will be required to attend an interview, and complete the required interview packet and additional Shade View Forms.

Eligibility for Shade View is based on the following factors:

  • Income eligibility
  • Qualify as a family or evidence of a stable relationship.
  • Criminal history
  • Prior rental/subsidized housing history

*See the FAQs below for more details about eligibility

Upon determination of eligibility and preferences, applicants are placed on the waiting list and must wait until the correct apartment size is available. Families must report all changes in income within ten calendar days on a Change Form. Once an applicant reaches the top of the waiting list, the Housing Authority will determine the applicant’s continued interest, and re-verify the information contained within the application.

When an apartment becomes available, a Public Housing Lease must be signed, rent and security deposit paid, and a move-in inspection conducted.


Check out these frequently asked questions

  • Apartments ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms with adequate parking and a playground area.
  • Water, sewer, and trash are furnished; residents pay electricity for heat, cooking, lighting, and hot water.
  • Stove and refrigerator furnished
  • Washer and dryer hookup
  • Spacious living with yards

Current income limits are as follows:

  • 1 person   – $45,750
  • 2 persons – $52,250
  • 3 persons – $58,800
  • 4 persons – $65,300
  • 5 persons – $70,550
  • 6 persons – $75,750
  • 7 persons – $81,000
  • 8 persons – $86,200

A stable relationship is having lived together for at least six months, and providing evidence of such relationship such as birth certificates of children, a joint tax return, prior lease held jointly, joint bank accounts, insurance policies, prior joint credit history, or equivalent documentation as determined by the Housing Authority.

Your rent is based on your annual income. Income includes, but is not limited to: Wages, Child Support, Social Security, SSI, SSP, Pension, Public Assistance, VA Benefits, Military Allotment, income from assets, payments-in-kind (when bills are paid or items are given in lieu of cash). Changes in your income must be reported in writing, within ten (10) days of such change on the required Change Form. Increases are effective the first of the second month following the effective date of the change while decreases are effective the first of the month following the report of the decrease, provided it was reported by the 15th of the month.

You must complete a recertification process annually. This consists of verification of all household income, family composition, and allowable expenses. You will be required to complete, sign and return your annual recertification packet. Families have the choice at this time to select either income-based or flat rent.

All family members over the age of 18 are required to sign a Public Housing Lease. In addition to your rent, there is a $100 security deposit. Rent and other charges must be paid timely. The Lease outlines responsibilities of the family as well as the Housing Authority. Incorporated into the Lease is the Pet Policy, Grievance Procedures, House Rules, Lawn/Snow Policy, One Strike Policy, and Weapons Policy. See the Policy Forms below to download the forms.

Violations of your lease will result in corrective actions. If violations continue, you will receive a Notice to Vacate. If there are serious violations, you will receive a Notice to Vacate immediately. You will not be afforded the Grievance Procedures for any dispute a resident may have with the Authority concerning a termination of tenancy or eviction that involves any activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the Authority’s public housing premises by other residents or employees of the Authority; or any violent or drug-related criminal activity on or off such premises; or any activity resulting in a felony conviction

Are Shade View Apartments Right For You?
Call to speak with one of our housing representatives, today.